Confessions of a Mom
About food allergies.  No filters, No fillers, Completely See Through  
Don't let another
day go by without
an Epinephrine
Check out
Epipen and
Auvi-q cases,
pouches, and
bags for kids,
teens, and
No one can take better care of my child than me....see full article
epipen belt waistpal
If your child refuses to carry his Epinephrine's is the parents fault
Kids can and will "refuse" to do a lot of things in life and is our jobs as parents to
always figure out a way to take them to school when they don't want to go, or
always figure out a way to take them to school when they don't want to go, or
wear shoes when going out, you can convinced them or simply make them carry
their life saving medications.

The refusal of children to do what they are told is one of the most common
complaints from parents.  Though parents typically feel helpless to get their
children to do as they are told, the problem is usually quite easy to solve if you
remember that kids do not see the world as adults do, and that parents need to
communicate clearly what they expect from their children. We can never expect
children to do as they are told unless they know exactly what is expected of them.

Depending on your kids age, the challenge of teaching them and agreeing to
self carry their epi's at all time  is quite challenging.  Here is a list of tips we put  
together based on feedback we got  from parents who shared with us how they  
did it:

  • Ask the pediatrician  to talk to the child and clearly explain why they need
    to carry the medications.

  • Don't allow children to pull you into arguments over the logic or sense of
    having to carry their Epipen. Simply restate your expectations and leave it
    at that.  Use the broken record strategy and remind them every day.

  • Get them an epi carrier that they like and is easy for them to wear and
    make wearing it a routine. Before leaving the house they put it on, as soon
    as they get back home they take it off and place it in the same location
    everyday such as on a hook behind the door, or on top of their night stand.

  • Make it a rule that can't be broken or they will have to face  consequences.
    Let consequences do the talking for you.  When the child wants to watch
    television, or do other highly desirable things, those privileges are not
    available; they have not been earned as a result of a failure to comply. Of
    course, these consequences have all been made known to the child well in

  • When your child says that  he/she has the Epipen before going out and
    then you find them hidden in their closet and then they say: " I don't want to
    do it because is stupid, and you are making me do something I don't need
    to do"
  • Avoid saying things like, "It is not stupid. After all, I'm just doing it for
    your own good. What do you want to do? Do you want to end up in
    the hospital or die? I am not raising a child that wants to  grow up
    and be irresponsible. Everybody in this home has to assume some
    responsibility and since you live here you have to assume your share
    of that responsibility!"This puts you squarely where the kid wants
    you, gives her a ton of attention for behaving inappropriately. Try to
    respond saying something like this: "I can tell you're upset and  I'm
    sorry you didn't take the epi's you were told. Hopefully, tomorrow you
    will not forget and you can enjoy these privileges."

  • Be certain the consequences for obeying and not obeying are completely
    understood, then let those consequences do your talking. Role play the

  • Always look for opportunities to let your children know how much you
    appreciate what they do, and how able they are to do things that aren't