David Davis for Freedom - by-election website

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David Davis is due to formally resign as a Member of Parliament on Wednesday, to fight a by-election against the Labour government's creeping surveillance database state and the "slow strangulation" of our freedoms and liberties, without any resultant increase in real security from terrorism or crime.

His campaign website (DavidDavisForFreedom.com - also .org, .org.uk, .co.uk domain name suffixes and also DavidDavis4Freedom.com, .org, .co.uk. .org.uk), seemingly registered by Paul Borge, an employee of a large Public Relations company Fleischman-Hillard, is obviously work in progress, and has been intermittently online , sometimes showing a holding page, and sometimes displaying blog content from http://testdd.terapad.com e.g.

David Davis For Freedom - by-election re-election campaign

David Davis For Freedom - by-election re-election campaign website.

Welcome to my Blog

By info@daviddavisforfreedom.com on Welcome

Welcome to my campaign to preserve our fundamental freedoms.

On 12 June, I resigned from Parliament to take a stand against the sustained assault on British liberty. I resigned after the vote on 42 days, because it marked a watershed. Prolonged detention without charge undermines a fundamental liberty. But it also likely to prove counter-productive - with a range of security experts warning of the security risks presented by this draconian measure. I do not believe we can defend our security by sacrificing our liberty.

My campaign is not, however, just about 42 days. It is about the relentless erosion of our fundamental freedoms over the last eleven years.

The growing power and reach of the state has not made us safer. It has made us less secure.

The growth of the database state has not protected our privacy. As data fiasco after data fiasco demonstrates, reliance vulnerable databases has left our personal data more exposed than ever.

The surveillance society has not improved public protection. Violent crime has doubled under this government, whilst neighbourhood spies check rubbish bins and conduct surveillance on school runs.

And freedom of speech - the hallmark of any democracy - has been stifled by repressive laws. Peaceful protesters have been prosecuted for demonstrating outside Downing Street, whilst extremists have been left free to incite violence and vitriol against Britain for years.

My real fear is that there is worse to come. Having rigged the voted on 42 days - through bribery and bullying - this government will be tempted by the politics of terror to come back and ask for even longer periods of pre-charge detention. And they still plan to introduce ID cards, which will leave us vulnerable to criminal hackers and even terrorists. So I believe it is time to take a stand. But I appreciate there are different views on these important issues - I want to hear them all.

Over the last few days, I have received support from across the political divide on issues that transcend party politics. But most of all, I have been surprised and humbled by the public response, with thousands of people sending messages of support. Today I am launching this website to take this debate to the country. We must preserve our fundamental freedoms. They are the crown jewels of our democracy, part of the very fabric of this great nation. Please join the debate - and send me your views.

David Davis

You can sign up with other people who are pledging their support for this defence of our civil liberties:

Sign my pledge at PledgeBank

1 Comment

I fully support your stand in defence of our hard fought freedoms and would like to give what assistance I can for your successful return in the forthcoming by-election.

About this blog

This weblog comments on NuLabour's anti-democratic and authoritarian policies and political manipulation. We will try to deconstruct some of the NuLabour propaganda, disinformation, media spin and leaks.

Nothing has changed with the unelected Gordon Brown, who took over as Labour Party leader from Tony Blair, and became Prime Minister, without being elected, not even by the Labour Party, let alone with a political mandate from a General Election.

Now that there is a Conservative / Liberal Democrat coalition government, this blog will continue to watch out for any NuLabour creepiness and control freakery, attempting to ooze back into political power and influence, under the unpopular Ed Miliband, who personally shares the blame for all of NuLabour / Labour's policies. .


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Stop Tony Blair !

Stop_Tony_Blair_150.jpg - Stop Tony Blair from being appointed as the unelected President of Europe

Stop Tony Blair from being appointed as the unelected "President of Europe".

Campaign Button Links

Watching Them, Watching Us, UK Public CCTV Surveillance Regulation Campaign
UK Public CCTV Surveillance Regulation Campaign

NO2ID - opposition to the NuLabour Compulsory Biometric ID Card
NO2ID - opposition to NuLabour's plans for Compulsory Biometric ID Card and National Identity Register centralised database.

asboconcern logo
ASBO Concern - alliance of organisations and individuals who are concerned about the abuse of NuLabour's Anti Social Behaviour Orders.

0800 789 321 free, confidential, Anti-Terrorist Hotline (use 999 or 112 to report immediate threats)
0800 789 321 free, confidential, Anti-Terrorist Hotline (use 999 or 112 to report immediate threats)

MI5 encrypted contact web form use 999 or 112 to report immediate threats
Encrypted MI5 web response form NuLabour's "Climate of Fear" is not the same as the real fight against terror.

gamesmonitor_logo_150.gif Games Monitor - "Games Monitor is a network of people raising awareness about issues within the London Olympic development processes. We want to highlight the local, London and international implications of the Olympic industry. We seek to deconstruct the 'fantastic' hype of Olympic boosterism and the eager complicity of the 'urban elites' in politics, business, the media, sport, academia and local institutional 'community stakeholders'. "

Peaceful resistance to the curtailment of our rights to Free Assembly and Free Speech in the SOCPA Designated Area around Parliament Square and beyond
Parliament Protest blog - resistance to the Designated Area resticting peaceful demonstrations or lobbying in the vicinity of Parliament.

Save Parliament: Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill (and other issues)
Save Parliament - Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill Act