Gordon Brown's legacy of incompetence - yet another £2 billion tax credits disaster ?


It appears that Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown and Paymaster General Dawn Primarolohave still not sorted out the tax credits disaster, which they managed to get away with politically last year.

Tax credit overpay 'remains £2bn'

More than £2bn of tax credits has been overpaid for a second year running, the government is expected to confirm.

Families given too much during the 2004-2005 financial year could now face having to make reimbursements.

Citizens Advice has warned the situation in the past has seen people on low incomes borrow money to buy food and being threatened with eviction.


Many families are still suffering from the the previous demands with menaces, for the repayment of money which people trusted the supposedly computer literate HM Revenue & Customs to have calculated the correctly.

Incredibly the web based tax credits system system was also widely abused by organised ciminal fraudsters, who even used the name, address and National Insurance Number details of civil servants working at the Department for Work and Pensions , and elsewhere, presumably with insider help.

How can these same people ever be trusted with access to the controversial National Identity Register ?

How can Gordon Brown remain in office after inflicting this sort of misery on needy families, entirely due to the Kafkaesque bureaucratic complexity of the the inhuman, uncaring taxation systems which he has inflicted on us ?

Gordon Brown appears to be at least as bad as other NuLabour Ministers, when it comes to wasting public money on large Government computer systems, which simply do not work properly.

The Liberal Democrats appear to be hinting that Paymaster General Dawn Primarolo should resign, but, given the NuLabour control freak micro-management tendencies of Gordon Brown, it is impossible to believe that he is not personally and directly responsible for this latest example of utter incompetence and waste of our public money.


i am amazed by the sheer nerve of gordon brown of giving british tax payers money to most of the world when a lot of british familes struggling to live ,if we have so much money in the treasurery how come our taxes and poll taxes are so high , this is why is is driving british familes abroad to live because they are fed up with everyone getting freebies but if you have worked all your life to support your family and paid your taxes you are abused by this chancellor if he is not carefull all the skilled workforce will be emerergrating and this country will be left with an unskilled workforce i woul like 5 mins with this scot to explain why if he listened to the average person they are totally fed up with this country and he is causing a lot of ill feeling by normal people who has lost interest in this country because of his acts

Gordon brown has made life a financial misery for those just above his Poverty line (what a joke)and those without loads of kids.. I wish there was someway we could stop him becoming priminister. This country isn`t worth working for.

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