"Zero History" tweets - Wormwood Scrubs

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Some more Tweets from William Gibson, ideas from which may,or may not be included in the published version of Zero History:

Fri Dec 11 18:01:41 +0000 2009

Query: Is there CCTV on the Scrubs, London? Not the prison; the wide open ground nearby. Wardens? Police presence at 2AM?

from Brizzly

William Gibson

Fri Dec 11 18:04:38 +0000 2009

Would my brand of corporate spooks logical choose the late-night Scrubs for something private? It's an attractively atmospheric venue...

from Brizzly

William Gibson

Fri Dec 11 18:36:31 +0000 2009

Thnx Scrubs advisors. I love it that it was the dueling ground. And such an anomaly in terms of undeveloped land.

from Brizzly

William Gibson

Wikipedia entry for Wormwood Scrubs, which mentions its use as a duelling ground.



The large site is surrounded on 3 sides by railway lines and depots, and, to the south by public buildings buildings i.e. Her Majesty's Prison Wormwood Scrubs, the Linford Christie sports stadium and Hammersmith Hospital part of Imperial College,University of London, and the Tube stations are likely to have security guards and CCTV camera systems, but none of these will be doing much, if any, surveillance of the the large open space /park.

The western side of the Wormwood Scrubs Park is effectively unfenced, but does have lots of residential houses on the opposite side of Braybrook Street and Old ok Common Lane, so there are plenty of potential observers, even at 2 am in the morning.


Dead Letter Drops and Geocaches

Depending on what sort of clandestine meeting or other activity in the middle of the night at 2am the "corporate spies" are up to, the Wormwood Scrubs site has pros and cons.

The access / exit routes by road are constrained by the railway lines and public buildings, making it easier to see if someone is following them to the location, but it might be a problem if a quick getaway is needed, as only a few watchers or roadblocks would be needed set up a surveillance or security cordon around the area.

A very good idea of how suitable the area is for classic dead letter drops as used by spies etc., can be gleaned from the number of local Geocaches there are in the area, as the location criteria for these are very similar i.e. easy to be found by those in the know, but not liable to accidental disturbance by wildlife or by human vandals or thieves, and not observed by CCTV etc.


Geocaches around Wormwood Scrubs Park W12 0DF

The half a dozen or so Geocaches in the Wormwood Scrubs Park area, imply that this is probably quite a good place for "dead letter drops" for "corporate spooks".

Mobile Phone Location Based Services / Communications Data tracking

Since the "corporate spooks" in William Gibson's novels are usually well aware of the local telecommunications infrastructure, the fact that this part of London has about 50 Cellular Mobile Phone Base Stations within 2 square kilometres, will give an idea of how accurately a Location Based Services position fix can done on any particular Mobile Phone Handset (or the various sorts of Moble Phone based electronic tags attached to people or tracking devices attached to vehicles etc.) in the area.


Ofcom Sitefinder Mobile Phone Base Station Database for Post Code W12 0DF - Wormwood Scrubs (they make this database deliberately hard to link directly to, for various unconvincing reasons)

Even on a simple Cell ID basis, a Mobile Phone Handset within this Wormwood Scrubs area will be located, in real time during the Start or End of a Voice or SMS Text Message or Internet Data call, to within a couple of streets.

With triangulation between Base Stations, the accuracy of a Location Based Data fix will be a couple of metres, remembering , of course that there will also be poor reception "dead zones", where there is little or no signal.

In those marginal radio reception areas, the Mobile Phone Handset will automatically boost its transmission power (thereby shortening its battery charge) to try to re-establish an adequate signal.

It will do this every 5 or 10 minutes, not just with the actual Base Station it has a reserved Time Slot established with, but it also measures the signal strength to and from the half a dozen or so neighbouring candidate Base Stations, since one of them may have to take over the connection, if the handset is on the move.

This happens regardless of whether there is an incoming or outgoing voice or data call or not, provided that it is still switched on. This network handshake update frequency is set by the Mobile Phone Network. In theory, it could be made much more frequent e.g. every few seconds, if the system is being used by the Authorities to try to follow someone remotely, in near real time, who is carrying a mobile phone - like they falsely appear to do routinely in so much TV and Film fiction. Obviously this technique can also be of use when they are hunting for a Mobile Phone Activated Bomb etc.

The statistics on how many illegal Mobile Phones are found each year within HMP Wormwood Scrubs and other Prisons, are astonishing.

See the SpyBlog.org.uk Mobile Phones in Prisons blog category archive

Over half of all Emergency Services calls to the Police, Ambulance and Fire and Rescue services are made from Mobile Phones, so simply jamming such signals in Prisons, something which might be acceptable in the wide open spaces of the USA or Canada, would be a disaster for the local area around Wormwood Scrubs in densely populated London .

One of the popular methods of getting such illegal mobile phones and drugs into a Prison is to wrap them up in some bubblewrap etc., and simply throw them over the walls of the Prison.

Potentially, there could well be people lurking around HMP Wormwood Scrubs, intent on doing this, at 2am in the morning, which is something that William Gibson's "corporate spooks" should be aware of.

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William Gibson twitter hashtag



Let's play "The Street Finds Its Own Uses For The Parrot"! I'll start: Hi-rise peeping toms... Cigar-sized payload of C4... Your turn now.

The Parrot is an interesting iPhone remotely controlled helicopter gadget


The Parrot AR.Drone is a four-propellered ultimate flying machine. The AR.Drone features two cameras, which will allow you to see what the Drone sees via a Wi-Fi connection, and they also apparently are able to help control the device’s speed and altitude. All of this is powered by the AR.Drone’s on-board Linux-based computer.

Wormwood Scrubs Park is often used by hobbyists to fly model aeroplanes and helicopters, so another plausible idea for the interest of William Gibson's "corporate spies" in the area might be:


Page last updated at 00:24 GMT, Tuesday, 26 May 2009 01:24 UK

Police foil prison phone delivery

Police in Brazil have foiled a plot to smuggle mobile phones into a high-security prison using a remotely-controlled model helicopter.


Earlier this year prison guards in the same state discovered that pigeons were being used to carry mobile phone parts.

It seems the plot to smuggle the mobile phones into the Presidente Venceslau high security jail in Sao Paulo state was only stymied when police stopped a car as part of a routine check.

In the boot of the vehicle they found the one-metre long model helicopter with a basket-like container attached to its base.

Inside were nine mobile phones wrapped in a disposable nappy, while another five phones were also discovered in the vehicle.

Four suspects were arrested, and the youngest, who was aged just 17, is reported to have confessed they had been given $5,000 to buy and prepare the helicopter.

They were apparently to be paid the same amount if they had successfully landed the model inside the prison walls.


About this blog

This is the ZeroHistory.net blog

Discussion and hyper link cloud enhanced literary criticism around the forthcoming new novel by cyber punk / literary fiction author William Gibson, which is currently in progress, and which is provisionally entitled Zero History.

See the Fragments of a Hologram Bill thread on the William Gibson Books discussion forum for the snippets of writing which have been released for discussion to the public so far.

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William Gibson's Twitter feed - GreatDismal

William Gibson is now a keen user of Twitter, rather than his now seemingly abandoned blog, so that is now the most likely place to find the latest news about his writing, or travels etc.

It is also the place to spot his occaisinal requests to his fans, for help with research on specific background details, some of which may, or may not, end up in the finished novel Zero History which he is currently working on.

William Gibson's Twitter stream - GreatDismal

"Zero History" hyperlink cloud annotation

For "Zero History", we aim to repeat the success of our collaborative "Spook Country" hyperlink cloud annotation - re-orderd into numerical Chapter sequence.

This has been commented on by the author William Gibson, and described by Emeritus Professor of English Literature John Sutherland as "the future of literary crticism"

Zero History blog & Node Magazine - hyperlink cloud literary criticism & annotation

Gabriel Hounds - Systemneustart

The German translation of Zero History is entitled Systemneutstart - "System Re-Boot"

A class of students at the Philipps-Universität Marburg in Germany, have a group blog, which analyses some of the themes of this novel which they call:

Gabriel Hounds

Spook Country blog

Spook Country blog - SpookCountry.co.uk - includes discussion and hyper link cloud enhanced literary criticism of William Gibson's previous novel Spook Country

London CyberPunk Tourist Guide

As part of the preparations for William Gibson book signing and lecture event promoting Spook Country in London, during August 2007, this "local knowledge" guide to places of interest to cyberpunk fans was compiled, and has been subsequently expanded.

London CyberPunk Tourist Guide - http://CyberPunk.org.uk

Please feel free to add comments or send emails, to keep it up to date.


Wikipedia entry for William Gibson.

Official William Gibson Books website: www.williamgibsonbooks.com

Wiliam Gibson's blog post announcement What's in a name? of Zero History as the title of his new novel.

William Gibson's Twitter announcement of the Zero History title.

See the Fragments of a Hologram Bill thread on the William Gibson Books discussion forum for the snippets of writing which have been released for discussion to the public so far.

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FreeFarid.com- - Kafkaesque extradition of Farid Hilali under the European Arrest Warrant to Spain

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"Zero History" hyperlink cloud annotation

For "Zero History", we aim to repeat the success of our collaborative "Spook Country" hyperlink cloud annotation - re-orderd into numerical Chapter sequence.

This has been commented on by the author William Gibson, and described by Emeritus Professor of English Literature John Sutherland as "the future of literary crticism"

Zero History blog & Node Magazine - hyperlink cloud literary criticism & annotation

Zero History Cover Art


Zero History blog Cover Art category archive


Systemneustart_cover_150.jpg German edition: Systemneustart approximates to "System Re-boot"

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