William Gibson's new novel in progress - Zero History

As with his previous novel Spook Country, the author William Gibson has published some fragments of writing which may or may not find their way into the final version of his next novel, which seems to be entitled Zero History.

William Gibson explains:

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

posted 6:05 PM

Those little bits of text I sometimes post are, for the reader, I imagine, a lot like visiting the set of a film. The scene you see shot, and remember, may not be in the film when it's released. Or, owing to the editing process, or even reshooting, it may be there but not remotely resemble what you saw shot.

For example, I titled an earlier fragment "The Gabriel Hounds". In it, a character sees some dogs (of sorts). Those dogs no longer have anything at all to do with that which is called "the Gabriel Hounds" in the draft today.

Apophenia. Faces in clouds.

And I'm actually rather careful not to put up enough to allow you to figure out what's really going on, in terms of the broader narrative.

  1. CABINET (HAPPY NEW YEAR) - Thursday, January 01, 2009
  2. HOLD THE COPROPHAGIA - Saturday, January 24, 2009
  3. CRICKET - Sunday, February 01, 2009
  4. THE GABRIEL HOUNDS - Tuesday, February 03, 2009
  5. FIFTEEN - Sunday, February 08, 2009
  6. SPECIES - Monday, February 09, 2009
  7. BOHEMIAN - Thursday, February 12, 2009
  8. AMATEUR - Sunday, February 15, 2009
  9. GABBLE RATCHETS - Wednesday, March 04, 2009
  10. MAQUETTE - Tuesday, May 12, 2009
  11. WHAT'S IN A NAME? - Tuesday, May 26, 2009 (includes an image)

The Fragments of a Hologram Bill thread on the William Gibson Books discussion forum collects the published fragments into one thread, which are discussed and analysed on other parts of the forum and elsewhere.

Zero History is an excellent title, laden with many potential meanings, for what appears to be the direct sequel to Spook Country, which followed on from Pattern Recognition.

The fragments so far mention of some previously established characters like Hubertus Bigend, Reg Inchmale, Holly, Milgrim, Sleight, Pamela etc.

Locations include London and Conway, South Carolina (where William Gibson was born).

About this blog

This is the ZeroHistory.net blog

Discussion and hyper link cloud enhanced literary criticism around the forthcoming new novel by cyber punk / literary fiction author William Gibson, which is currently in progress, and which is provisionally entitled Zero History.

See the Fragments of a Hologram Bill thread on the William Gibson Books discussion forum for the snippets of writing which have been released for discussion to the public so far.

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blog @ ZeroHistory.net

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William Gibson's Twitter feed - GreatDismal

William Gibson is now a keen user of Twitter, rather than his now seemingly abandoned blog, so that is now the most likely place to find the latest news about his writing, or travels etc.

It is also the place to spot his occaisinal requests to his fans, for help with research on specific background details, some of which may, or may not, end up in the finished novel Zero History which he is currently working on.

William Gibson's Twitter stream - GreatDismal

"Zero History" hyperlink cloud annotation

For "Zero History", we aim to repeat the success of our collaborative "Spook Country" hyperlink cloud annotation - re-orderd into numerical Chapter sequence.

This has been commented on by the author William Gibson, and described by Emeritus Professor of English Literature John Sutherland as "the future of literary crticism"

Zero History blog & Node Magazine - hyperlink cloud literary criticism & annotation

Gabriel Hounds - Systemneustart

The German translation of Zero History is entitled Systemneutstart - "System Re-Boot"

A class of students at the Philipps-Universität Marburg in Germany, have a group blog, which analyses some of the themes of this novel which they call:

Gabriel Hounds

Spook Country blog

Spook Country blog - SpookCountry.co.uk - includes discussion and hyper link cloud enhanced literary criticism of William Gibson's previous novel Spook Country

London CyberPunk Tourist Guide

As part of the preparations for William Gibson book signing and lecture event promoting Spook Country in London, during August 2007, this "local knowledge" guide to places of interest to cyberpunk fans was compiled, and has been subsequently expanded.

London CyberPunk Tourist Guide - http://CyberPunk.org.uk

Please feel free to add comments or send emails, to keep it up to date.


Wikipedia entry for William Gibson.

Official William Gibson Books website: www.williamgibsonbooks.com

Wiliam Gibson's blog post announcement What's in a name? of Zero History as the title of his new novel.

William Gibson's Twitter announcement of the Zero History title.

See the Fragments of a Hologram Bill thread on the William Gibson Books discussion forum for the snippets of writing which have been released for discussion to the public so far.

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"Zero History" hyperlink cloud annotation

For "Zero History", we aim to repeat the success of our collaborative "Spook Country" hyperlink cloud annotation - re-orderd into numerical Chapter sequence.

This has been commented on by the author William Gibson, and described by Emeritus Professor of English Literature John Sutherland as "the future of literary crticism"

Zero History blog & Node Magazine - hyperlink cloud literary criticism & annotation

Zero History Cover Art


Zero History blog Cover Art category archive


Systemneustart_cover_150.jpg German edition: Systemneustart approximates to "System Re-boot"

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