November 2005 Archives

Two more "bell-ringing ceremony" peace protestors ( Giulia and Anna-Linnéa) were arrested outside Parliament on Friday 25th November 2005.

Indymedia has some photos of the arrests:

"Two women were arrested on Friday 25th November while holding a bell-ringing ceremony outside Parliament to remember the estimated 100,000 people who had died since the beginning of the war in Iraq.

The women were arrested for being 'participants in an unauthorised demonstration'. The police were very reluctant to arrest and briefly authorised the protest but then banned it again when the women refused to give their details on the grounds that if the demonstration was now 'authorised' they should not be obliged to give their names.

The police also helpfully suggested that the two women join Brian Haw on the opposite pavement as he is the only person exempt from the laws ironically introduced to prevent his permanent anti-war display. However, as Brian's side of the pavement is now practically devoid of passers-by, this option was also turned down.

One policeman was heard saying 'I wish I could join you. I wish I could do what you're doing. This is filthy. This is very hard for all of us'.

The women were taken to Charing Cross police station but later released without charges. As well as being reluctant to arrest, the Police also seemed concerned at the possibility of two more people challenging the new laws.

19 people are currently facing charges under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (2005) which outlaws protests without police permission within 1km of Parliament. Let's hope that more will challenge this absurd and immoral law".

"On 25th October Milan Rai and Maya Evans of Justice Not Vengeance were arrested for holding a similar ceremony outside Downing Street. The two womens' action that took place outside Parliament on 25th November was undertaken in solidarity with Milan, Maya and all the other protesters arrested under the new legislation preventing demonstrations within 1 km of Parliament. "

The Designated Area is currently less than the maximum 1km in a straight line from the nearest point in Parliament Sqaure, but it is still repressively huge.

A comment on the Indymedia article link above says:

"according to police who compile the figures, at the time of milan rai's arrest a couple of weeks ago (for a similar remembrance protest outside downing street), the number of those facing charges under the soca law was already 27"

This is rather more than we have hear about, and perhaps we will have another go at a Freedom of Information Act request to find out for sure (not easy due to the bureaucracy and the far from seamless computer systems which the Metropolitan Police employ).

In the spirit of the ancient tradition of Beating the Bounds of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 Designated Area around Parliament Square and beyond:

The Parliament Square Picnickers Present

Beating the Bounds

Sunday 4th December 1pm

As part of our ongoing defiance of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (2005) which outlaws protests without police permission and places harsh restrictions on any organised event within 1 km of parliament, we will march and mark the edge of the Democracy Free Zone (DFZ), following the medieval tradition of marking the boundaries of private land by beating landmarks with sticks. These include Shell House, the BA London Eye, Lambeth Palace and Scotland Yard.

Meet in Trafalgar Square beside Nelson’s Column at 1pm. For those who wish to do half the route meet at Lambeth Palace at approximately 2pm, where refreshments will be served in a very civilized fashion. We strongly urge anyone who feels that these laws infringe upon their human rights and freedom of speech to come along and show support.

It's your Parliament, and it's your Square, so be there!

For more information go to

Technically the boundary of the Designated Area is the outermost extent of the pavement along the streets mentioned in the Designated Area Order, so there is no actual need to physically "beat", for example, the Security Service MI5 building or the Metropolitan Police HQ at New Scotland Yard, or Downing Street which may well have intimidating armed guards patrolling outside them, the "Bounds" are on the opposite side of the roadway from these buildings:

It appears that Greenpeace have again taken some "direct action" protests within the Designated Area, this time by dumping heaps of coal at the entrances to Downing Street, according to The Guardian report, to protest about global energy policies, greenhouse gas emmissions etc.

Greenpeace report of their protest:

"Greenpeace volunteers blockaded three entrances to Downing Street as Tony Blair rows back on his commitment to the Kyoto Protocol. In a series of statements in recent weeks the Prime Minister has cast doubt on his long-term support for the global agreement, while British emissions of carbon-dioxide have risen since he came to power.

At 7.30am a truck emblazoned with the slogan 'Blair - Climate Failure' arrived at the Horse Guard's Road entrance to Mr Blair's residence. Greenpeace representatives informed police officers what they were about to do before the vehicle tipped several tonnes of coal in front of the gates. Simultaneously 50 Greenpeace volunteers emptied sacks of the polluting fuel across the King Charles Street entrance and the access point on Horse Guards parade. A tipper truck with 14 tonnes of coal, emblazoned with the slogan 'Things Can Only Get Wetter' which was destined for the Whitehall entrance was stopped by police"

No reports of any arrests under SOCPA.

Is the SOCPA law being applied more leniently towards Greenpeace protestors than to other demonstrators ?

It is inconceivable that if Greenpeace had applied for prior permission to do this, they would not have had conditions imposed on them which prevented this sort of "block the entance to a Government building" protest. This is their their second such protest within the Designated Area within a month, having previously blocked the entrance to DEFRA with illegally logged plywood.

How did a 14 tonne tipper truck blithely drive up to the gates of Downing Street, avoiding all the supposed anti-truck bomb measures ?

The last time a leader from Communist China, Jiang Zemin, was feted by the British Government on a State visit, back in 1999, there were arrests of peaceful "Free Tibet" demonstrators, confiscation of flags and banners etc.

What will happen this time with the vist of Hu Jintao who arrives in London for a 3 day State visit, now that the extra Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 Designated Area penalties are in force, covering many of the venues where the increasingly authoritarian and repressive leader will meet his Chinese counterpart., and at which peaceful demonstrators will be present. ?

Free Tibet Campaign

Falun Gong



Hello everyone, make sure you are at the square this Sunday from around 12noon. Bring yourself and your teddys. Tea and cakes will be provided as usual but MAKE SURE YOU ARE THERE. The teddy's are all fired up [no apathy in the land of cuddly toys!] and also all fed up with the current criminalisation of protest in Westminster. NO to s132!! They are determined to make their views heard! So make sure you bring your teddy along and give him or her voice this Sunday...  and don't forget to bring something nice to share 

For more information on this event please email one of us: or call Mark on 0785 439 0408

Parliament Protest Web Button

Either save this image and link to us, or copy the HTML code below into your web page or template:

Peaceful resistance to the curtailment of our rights to Free Assembly and Free Speech in the SOCPA Designated Area around Parliament Square and beyond

Click here for a larger version of this web campaign button graphic.

November 2018

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Recent Comments

  • Stuart Holmes: With ref. To comment: SOCPA ss 132-138 law is still read more
  • Terence Buttle: From the tone of the reply I suspect that Keith read more
  • Peaceful Demonstrator: You can check to see that the Constitutional Reform and read more
  • Peaceful Demonstrator: SOCPA ss 132-138 law is still being used arbitrarily, as read more
  • aj: Brian Haw your a British legend and Britain needs more read more
  • Emma: I live in hope that your protest stops falling on read more
  • robbie hardy: Brian - Your the Hero who couldn't turn away... Your read more
  • thanks so much for being at the spot: I just read your peace on Brian Haw. I live read more
  • Keith: Is this the Alan Buttle now banned from demonstrating because read more
  • Terence Claude Buttle: Your photograph of Brian Haw has prompted me to use read more

Hints and Tips for Whistleblowers and Protest Organisers

The hints and tips below are just as important to anybody organising a peaceful Protest near to Parliament Square, as they are to other people who might come under UK Government or Multinational Corpotation:

Please take the appropriate precautions if you are planning to blow the whistle on shadowy and powerful people in Government or commerce, and their dubious policies. The mainstream media and bloggers also need to take simple precautions to help preserve the anonymity of their sources e.g. see Spy Blog's Hints and Tips for Whistleblowers - or use this easier to remember link:

BlogSafer - wiki with multilingual guides to anonymous blogging

Digital Security & Privacy for Human Rights Defenders manual, by Irish NGO Frontline Defenders.

Everyone’s Guide to By-Passing Internet Censorship for Citizens Worldwide (.pdf - 31 pages), by the Citizenlab at the University of Toronto.

Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber-Dissidents - March 2008 version - (2.2 Mb - 80 pages .pdf) by Reporters Without Borders

Reporters Guide to Covering the Beijing Olympics by Human Rights Watch.

A Practical Security Handbook for Activists and Campaigns (v 2.6) (.doc - 62 pages), by experienced UK direct action political activists

Anonymous Blogging with Wordpress & Tor - useful step by step guide with software configuration screenshots by Ethan Zuckerman at Global Voices Advocacy. (updated March 10th 2009 with the latest Tor / Vidalia bundle details)

Convention on Modern Liberty - 28th Feb 2009

Convention on Modern Liberty - 28th Feb 2009
Convention on Modern Liberty - 28th Feb 2009

The Convention is being held in the Logan Hall and adjoining rooms at the Institute of Education in Bloomsbury, central London.


The Institute of Education
20 Bedford Way

There are video linked screenings or other parallel meetings being held across the UK in Belfast. Bristol, Cambridge, Cardiff and Manchester.

Convention on Modern Liberty blog

Campaign Button Links

NO2ID  Campaign
NO2ID - opposition to the Home Office's Compulsory Biometric ID Card and National Identity Register centralised database.

UK Public CCTV Surveillance Regulation Campaign
UK Public CCTV Surveillance Regulation Campaign

link to

People in Common - weekly Picnics etc. in Parliament Square, every Sunday at about 1pm.

Save Parliament: Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill (and other issues)
Save Parliament - Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill (and other issues)

Campaign for the Freedom of Information

Please help us to find this man! He was arrested(?) in Parliament Square on 1st August 2005

This man was one of the very first people arrested in Parliament Square on 1st August 2005, but he has apparently disappeared.

link to
Silent Protest - a web photo gallery "encouraging people to stage a virtual, government un-sanctioned protest. All you need to do is get a picture of yourself, or your friends, within the protest free zone. Assume the pose (hand over mouth), aim and click."

. - useful background briefings for the Managing Protest around Parliament public consultation, and model letters to MPs etc.

About this blog

This web blog has been set up as an information resource and discussion area (please be polite in the comments) to help organise resistance to the restrictions on peaceful democratic demonstrations and protests, which have been enacted by law, in a wide Designated Area around Parliament Square in London.

It appears that in order to remove the peace protestor Brian Haw, who had been demonstrating continuously in Parliament Square, day and night, for over 10 years,(literally until his death in June 2011), the NuLabour Government overreacted, and granted themselves draconian and arbitrary powers, which affected the rights of all individual British citizens to lobby their Members of Parliament, or to walk in a vast Designated Area wearing a "political slogan" T-shirt, badge, rubber wristband etc. without first seeking prior written permission from the Police.

This is an affront to democracy and is not justified even on any spurious "climate of fear" alleged "security" grounds.

N.B. SOCPA ss128-132 is now repealed and replaced with less restictive laws, but there are still some peculiar restrictions and bylaws on protests around Parliament Square.

Email Contact

Please feel free to email us your news, views or suggestions about this blog, and about the issues it highlights.

info @ParliamentProtest [dot] org [dot].uk

For those of you who want to send us information in confidence, here is our PGP Public Encryption Key

Syndicate this site (XML):

Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005

The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 was rushed through, "on the nod", with minimal debate, during the undemocratic "wash up" process at the end of the last Parliament when the General Election had been called.

The bulk of the Act deals with the setting up of the Serious Organised Crime Agency, but there are also sections such as:

Section 110 Powers of Arrest

From 1st January 2006 this section makes any offence, no matter how minor, into an arrestable offence. Arrests by the police these days can mean taking 10 fingerprints and two palm prints, a DNA tissue sample and processing it into a digital "DNA fingerprint", forcing you to remove any facial coverings, (even those worn for religous purposes) to take photographs of your face etc. All of these items of personal data can then be retained forever, even if you are not charged, or any charges against you are dropped, or if you go to court and are found not guilty.

These new powers are regulated by the new statutory Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE) Code of Practice G (.pdf)

Section 128 Trespass on a Designated Site - e.g. Crown Property or National Security

Sections 132 to 138 Demonstrations in the vicinity of Parliament - the controversial restrictions in detail.

The Public Whip website has details of how the Members of the House of Commons voted on these controversial clauses.

Brian Haw

Veteran peace protestor Brian Haw was physically camped out in Parliament Square since 2nd June 2001 until his death in June 2011

The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 sections 132 to 138 Designatd Area law seem to have been written to try to specifically suppress his protests, although, through sheer incompetence, the Government found that Brian Haw himself was initially exempt from some of it, since his protest started before the stupidly worded repressive legislation came into force, although a later High Court Appeal, at public exepnse, did apply the law to him.

See Parliament Square website for news and support details.

Write to politicians

Write To Them - identify and contact your local councillors, Members of Parliament, devolved Assembly members and Members of the European Parliament

You can also write to the Home Secretary David Blunkett Charles Clarke John Reid Jacqui Smith Alan Johnson Theresa May

You can send an email public.enquiries@ or a letter to:

Rt. Hon. Theresa May MP
Home Secretary
c/o Direct Communications Unit
Home Office
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF

Home Office Contact Us page

Designated Area

The current Designated Area is set out in:

Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 1537 The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (Designated Area) Order 2005

Read more about the Designated Area in our category archive.

The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 section 132 to 138 have been repealed by the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 Part 3 on the Statute Book, but not yet Commenced by Order). This replaces the Designated Area with a much smaller Controlled Area - just Parliament Square Gardens and the surrounding pavements.

Mass Lone Demonstrations

Comedian Mark Thomas's website has details of Mass Lone Demonstrations which legally show up the absurdity of this law, and the bureaucracy involved in enforcing it. These multiple independent one person demonstrations take place on the third Wednesday of the month, from 5pm - 7.30pm within the Designated Area (often in Parliament Square, but not exclusively so)

Meet on the second Wednesday of each month outside Charing Cross police station (located at Agar Street, London, WC2N 4JP - see the map) any time between: 5.30 pm -7.30pm to hand in your Metropolitan Police SOCPA forms (download the optional Word or PDF forms from the Metroplitan Police) or your own personal Written Applications for Prior Permission.

Regular Protests in Parliament Square

Parliament Square - supporting the long running, 24/7, peace protest by Brian Haw in Parliament Square

Global Women's Strike who held "open mike" loudspeaker protests every Wednesday for over two and a half years, which are now banned.

London Critical Mass - group bicycle ride on the last Friday of every month, for the last 10 years, which often strays into the Designated Area.

The People's Commons Meeting / Tea Party / Picnic-Protest is now meeting every Sunday afternoon starting at 1 for 1.30pm on the Green in Parliament Square. wiki - new website

Website Links

Home Office - "Not fit for purpose. It is inadequate in terms of its scope, it is inadequate in terms of its information technology, leadership, management, systems and processes" - Home Secretary John Reid. 23rd May 2006.

Metropolitan Police Service

Metropolitan Police Authority - meant democratically to supervise the Metropolitan Police Service

Independent Police Complaints Commission

United Kingdom Parliament - Palace of Westminster, House of Lords, House of Commons etc.

Booking Parliament Square - Greater London Authority booking forms, terms and conditions for filming and photography for Parliament Square - "The GLA does not grant permission for demonstration, rallies and public meetings on Parliament Square Gardens".

They Work For You - a more user friendly version of the House of Commons Hansard

Pledgebank pledge:

"I will form part of a human chain around the Westminster no protest zone but only if 6,000 other people will join in."

Repeal-SOCPA-Info has useful briefing material for the Public Consultation into the laws restricting demonstrations, marches and assemblies, sample letters to MPs etc..

Blog Links

Spy Blog - Privacy and Security and Civil liberties campaigning

Mayor of London Blog - unnofficial comments on the Mayor of London and Greater London Assembly

Fuel Crisis Blog - Petrol at £1 per litre ! Protest !

Bloggerheads graphics of the 1km zone and the actual Designated Area

Charity Sweet - who has been harrassed for reading a copy of the Independent newspaper outside Downing Street etc.

BBC Travel Jam Cams

BBC Radio London has some links to Traffic Monitoring CCTV cameras, which they publish every 5 or 10 minutes, not usually in real time.

Whenever there is an "incident" or a march or demonstration, these online images are deliverately censored i.e. "not available for operational reasons", This is despite the images being of too low a resolution to identify anybody, and, the effect of not diverting traffic away from the incident, which should be the whole point of the online Traffic Cam images in the first place.

Whitehall / Parliament Square - this camera view sometimes shows Brian Haw's peace camp, and the "temporary" GLA fence around Parliament Square Gardens (removed >then rebuilt)

Northumberland Avenue / Victoria Embankment

Trafalgar Square (on the edge of the Designated Area)