Mobile Phone Masts - when were you last consulted by Orange or any of the other networks ?


The UK political "blogosphere" and some of the mainstream media seems to be full of discussions about the case of Inigo Wilson, who published a Lefty Lexicon article on a conservative supporting blog,

This partly pointed out some of the "Lefty" Politically Correct NuLabour Orwellian newspeak which has become popular in recent years, citing the Metropolitan Police:

You can find some particularly rich hunting grounds among the well-stocked leaflet displays of Metropolitan Police stations. No one yet has formally announced that the Met doesn't 'do' ordinary crime, but each flyer makes it clear that if you are one of the large range of very modern sounding 'victim' types, then you are the priority for modern policing. See here for more of what's on offer.

The company he works for has been identified, via the wonders of internet search engines as Orange, and various people Islamic groups have complained to his employer, who seem to have suspended him from his job, for some of his satirical "definitions" in his Lexicon, especially regarding "Islamophobia" and "Palestinians".

These do not appear to be illegal in any way, but there is an online debate about alleged "racism" and "free speech".

However, public relations industry bloggers are also pointing to his "definition"

Consultation - a formal system for ignoring public views while patronising them at the same time. London's Congestion Charge for instance.

How can this be "satire" when it is simply a statement of the truth ?

Ken Livingstone is a past master of wasting our money on sham public consultations, in which he ignores the views of the majority of respondents, then presses on with his policies anyway, and then patronises anyone who points out their failures.

Where is the £65 million a year which the London Congestion Charge scheme was meant to contribute towards public transport ? It has all gone to Capita plc in extra charges and profits. Where is the actual positive net effect onmn either traffic congestion or on air pollution ? There is none.

However , taken together with the next "definition"

Community leader - someone plucked from obscurity to represent ‘the views of the community’ for the purposes of ‘consultation’. NB never elected to this position.

pehaps this is what has lead to Inigo Wilson's suspension by Orange, since he is not some call centre operative, but instead

"Inigo Wilson manages community affairs for a large telecoms company"

i.e. he is was involved in helping to get Mobile Phone Masts sited in communities up and down the country.

All of which prompts us to ask:

When were you last consulted by Orange (or any of their rivals) over the siting of a Mobile Phone Mast in your community in London ?

You can check a not completely up to date location map of the Mobile Phone Masts in your are at the UK Government's SiteFinder website. N.B. there are two interactive maps available, one for Current and one for Future mast locations.

There are 4 Mobile Phone Transmitter Mast frequency bands:

  • 900 MHz and 1800 Mhz for the most common GSM mobile phones
  • 2100 MHz for 3G phones
  • 380 - 395 MHz for the Airwave terrestrial trunked radio (Tetra) masts used for the secure Police, Fire & Emergency and Ambulance network run by O2.

Various campaign groups have experience of some of the long running planning and court cases which the often unfounded fears about phone masts tend to provoke in communities, and the sneaky way in which commercial interests seem to be able to weasel their way around proper local consultation and planning procedures.

Mast Sanity

Mast Action UK - National Campaign for the Sensible Siting of Masts


The Mobile Operators Association consists of 3, O2, Orange, T-Mobile and Vodafone, and tries assuage public fears over long term health effects and about TV reception interference.

3G phones need a much larger number of transmitters to cover the whole country than do the older techologies, and so, very often, these are being fitted as additions to existing sites (which continue in operation at the old frequencies), with little or no attempt to get the views of the local community, or to explain any extra risks posed by siting multiple transmitters at a paricular location.

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This website comments on the policies of the Mayor of London, the London Assembly and the Greater London Authority and actually pre-dates even the referendum which took place before these public bodies were set up.

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Wikipedia article on the Mayor of London

Wikipedia article on the London Assembly

The Evening Standard newspaper - fulfills its role by scrutinising the Mayor and the GLA etc. rather more effectively than the politicians and bureaucrats do.

Mayor of London press releases

London Assembly press releases

MayorWatch - commercial news site about the Mayor of London etc.

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