Call for Madrid style mass demonstration against terrorism

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There is a call for a Madrid style mass demonstration against terrorism:

Another Pledgebank Pledge:

"I will at the earliest opportunity, assemble in London in a public demonstration of respect to the victims of the July 7 atrocity, defiance of the murderers who carried it out and solidarity with the people of London but only if 100 other people will too."

However, even if you are demonstrating against terrorism, and praising the Police and other authorities, you will still fall foul of the Designated Area around Parliament if you do not apply for prior permission , in writing "at least 6 clear days" or "24 hours" before time. The criminal penalties include up to 51 weeks in prison and/or £2500 fine for organising or £1000 for simply demonstrating, even on your own as an individual.

See the Parliament Protest blog for more details.

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I don't know. Yes, it worked(the coup) in Madrid, but they had alot of help. The guy who got them involved was Joe Wilson and his CIA operations officer sidekick, Plame. The coup worked when they figured who talked the leaders into Iraq. It was really alot of old terrorists vying for political office after the election and then there was Al Quaeda itself sending letters about how well everybody worked together.

Blair is'nt leaving and just doubled the GDP country income tax after the bombing, so I guess he plans on staying a God for a long time.

I think these guys could take better advantage if they went after the no taxation without representation angle because thats what the Als are probably doing. Its popular with most G8 countries as thier Gods tax their income(GDP) without a vote. Of course, like most taxes this will probably outlast the ten year limit and become a regualr income tax. So, the terrorism angle works out real well in the long run. Its the 'Boston Tea Party' theme.

If your wondering, this all started from Paul Martin's studies at the UN with Kofi before becoming Prime Minister. He was also Minister of Finance before his intership at the UN. GDP income tax makes sense, since he wants to leave alegacy with those who oppose his policies. We asked him to leave alot, but, of course he and Blair 'The Taxing Socialists' won't leave office, but are already getting even in their legacy.

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