Polonium-210: Interpark House, 7 Down Street


Interpark House, 7 Down Street - offices of exiled dissident Russian oligarch billionaire Boris Berezovsky

(entrance by the parked cars on the left of this view)

This building is also the UK contact address for the Litvineneko Justice Foundation, founded by Marina Litvinenko, Boris Berezovsky, Alex Goldfarb and Louise Christian.

Mail to:

7 Down St, Second Floor, London W1 J7AJ, UK

1230 Avenue of the Americas, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10020, USA


По-русски: +442075048756

English: +1(646)3900704




GPS grid coordinates:
Latitude: (WGS84) N51:30:19 ( 51.505340 )
Longitude: (WGS84) W0:08:54 ( -0.148199 )

Email Contact

email: blog @ CyberPunk [dot] org [dot] uk

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Hints and Tips for Whistleblowers

Please take the appropriate precautions if you are planning to blow the whistle on shadowy and powerful people in Government or commerce, and their dubious policies. The mainstream media and bloggers also need to take simple precautions to help preserve the anonymity of their sources e.g.

Zero history blog

Zero History blog - http://ZeroHistory.net

- documenting and analysing William Gibson's current novel in progress, with some London / UK locations already.

Spook Country blog

Spook Country blog - htpp://SpookCountry.co.uk

This documents and analyses William Gibson's novel Spook Country which has some London locations, and from which this London CyberPunk Tourist Guide was spawned.

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