Blue Plaque: John Logie Baird


John Logie Baird

22 Frith Street
Westminster, W1

Invented Television in this Frith Street attic laboratory - first picture transmitted on 2 Oct 1925. He also had other patents involving radar and video recording.


This Blue Plaque was recently mentioned by William Gibson in an interview with Steve Ranger of

"There's a blue plaque in London that says, in effect, 'Broadcast television was invented here'. Nobody in that room above the shop was filled with a kind of eldritch horror and a vision of a world of closed circuit surveillance - it was the last thing they were thinking."

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Zero history blog

Zero History blog -

- documenting and analysing William Gibson's current novel in progress, with some London / UK locations already.

Spook Country blog

Spook Country blog - htpp://

This documents and analyses William Gibson's novel Spook Country which has some London locations, and from which this London CyberPunk Tourist Guide was spawned.

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