3. Slut's Wool - page 16

3. Slut's Wool - page 16

Prepare for ZERO HISTORY by William Gibson


William Gibson selectively quotes only some of Hubertus Bigend and Hollis Henry's words on pages 23 and 24 in this trailer:

"Someone," he said, "is developing what may prove to be a somewhat new way to transmit brand vision."

"You sound guarded in your appreciation."

"A certain genuinely provocative use of negative space," he said..


"I don't know," he said. "I haven't been able to find out.I feel that someone has read and understood my playbook. And may possibly be extending it."

"Then send Pamela," she said. "She understands all that. Or someone else. You have a small army of people who understand all that. You must."

"But that is exactly it. Because they 'understand all that' they won't find the edge. They won't find the new. And worse, they'll trample on it, inadvertently crush it, beneath a certain mediocrity inherent in professional competence." He dabbed his lips with the folded napkin, though they didn't seem to need it."I need a wild card. I need you."

He sat back, then, and regarded her in exactly the same way he'd regarded the tidy and receding ass of the Italian girl, though in this case, she knew, it had nothing at all to do with sex.

"Dear God," she said, entirely without expecting to, and simultaneously wishing she were very small. Small enough to curl up in the slut's wool that crowned the steampunk lift, between those few cork-colored filter tips.

"Does 'The Gabriel Hounds' mean anything to you?" he asked.

"No," she said.

He smiled, obviously pleased.

"Finding the Edge" or losing it, is a theme which has cropped up in William Gibson's novels since Neuromancer and and in earlier short stories such as New Rose Hotel or Johnny Mnemonic.

About this blog

In collaboration with Node Magazine this the ZeroHistory.net blog contribution to discussion and hyper link cloud enhanced literary criticism around the novel by cyber punk / literary fiction author William Gibson, entitled Zero History, which was officially published on Tuesday 7th September 2010

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Zero History blog

Zero History blog - ZeroHistory.net - discussion and analysis of William Gibson's Zero History novel, to be published on 7th September 2010 in the USA and on 30th August 2010 in the UK.

Spook Country blog

Spook Country blog - SpookCountry.co.uk - includes discussion and hyper link cloud enhanced literary criticism of William Gibson's previous novel Spook Country

"Spook Country" hyperlink cloud annotation

Our "Spook Country" hyperlink cloud annotation - re-orderd into numerical Chapter sequence

The Node Magazine node.tumblr.com, which this was a collaborative online contribution to, was online even before the official publication date of the first hardback edition of the book in August 2007.

This has been commented on by the author William Gibson, and described by Emeritus Professor of English Literature John Sutherland as "the future of literary crticism"

London CyberPunk Tourist Guide

Originally prompted by the preparations for William Gibson book signing and lecture event promoting Spook Country in London, during August 2007, this "local knowledge" guide to places of interest to cyberpunk fans was compiled, and has been subsequently expanded.

London CyberPunk Tourist Guide - http://CyberPunk.org.uk

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