"Making it easy  to carry emergency medicine on you at all times"
OmaxCare.com Making it Easy for people to have their emergency medicine on them at all times.
This website provides information about epinephrine
auto-injector carriers manufactured by OmaxCare.  Products
in this category are often referred to as Epipen® holder,
Epipen®  pouch, Epipen case. and  Epibelt.  OmaxCare
branded products have a unique design to help individuals
who suffer from anaphylaxis type allergies.
Making it easier for food allergic individuals and their loved
ones to carry life saving emergency medicine
ON their leg
and waist for instant - immediate access at all times.
Q. My son is going to summer camp for the
first time and he needs to carry his Epipen.
He is very slim and he doesn't like any of the
running waist belts I bought. He complains
that they bounce when he runs and are ugly.
Which Epipen carrier do you recommend?

For active kids the WaistPal is the carrier we
recommend.  It is not a sports belt that was
adapted for carrying Epipen, it was designed by
kid and mom from beginning to end. Not an
adaptation but a creation.
Why WaistPal?
  • It has no plastic buckles
  • has two tight pockets to prevent "the
    bouncing" of auto-injectors
  • one pocket sits on the front
  • the second pocket on the back
  • fully lined inside with soft material so that
    it can be worn under clothing
  • easy to put on and take off
  • it closes on one side with Velcro
  • made of high quality neoprene same as
    the one used for scuba diving suits
  • helps maintain temperature of auto-
  • water resistant
  • fire retardant

If you measure right above where the waist of
his pants falls  (most commonly the upper hip)
and it measures 20 inches or more it will fit
him. The epibelt is shipped with an additional
side strap to fit up to 32 inches.   
first aid kits pouch
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Medical Alert
boy shorts with leg pouch
All prices are in USD. © 2017 OmaxCare™
and its affiliates.  All rights Reserved.
Epipen® is a trademark of Mylan. Inc., and they are not
sponsors/endorsers of products referenced or sold on these web pages.
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