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From Mom's with Experience
If you "google" or meet moms in a food
allergy teen summit, or local support
group they will tell you that   once a
child has a  food allergy reaction, the
risk of anaphylaxis will always be there.

It  seems that allergies are anything but
predictable. Children can have an
allergy and as they grow older many  
symptoms such as sneezing or itchy
eyes will disappear.

When kids get older they could grow out
of allergies, but for millions of people,
that's not the case. Many individuals
even grow into allergies.

In the case of mature adults, as they get
older they can suddenly develop
allergies, too. It could happen in your
50's and even in your 80's. Most doctors
agree that allergies can change but the
reasons why we grow into and out of an
allergy continues to be a puzzle difficult
to predict and quite a mystery.
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Omaxcare does not provide medical advice, diagnosis
or treatment. Epipen® is a trademark of Mylan. Inc.,
and they are not sponsors/endorsers of products
referenced or sold on these web pages.
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