What our clients are saying...

“Thank you so much for caring for our boys! Very reassuring! We will definitely use your services again in the future!”

“Maria and Jan, I have never left my dogs with strangers before, but after meeting you both, I felt very comfortable leaving my dogs to your care.”

“I have come to depend on you more than you will ever know. It takes a very special person to do the job you do. You are always there for us and all out pets.”

“Just a note to let you know that I appreciate the great care Tuff Tuff received while I was away. I could really enjoy myself knowing that he was quite literally 'Happy at Home'!”

“Dreamer told me how much fun she had with your and Kathryn, and she loved being the center of attention. Of course if Dreamer is happy, I am happy!”

  • “Thanks for the great care. I think she misses you!”
  • “We are grateful to you and your staff for the services you provide.”
  • “I never have to worry when you’re in charge.”
  • “Thanks for all your great service. You are a lifesaver!”
  • “Thank you again-we know our babies are in good hands with you!”
  • “Thanks to both you and Jan for the personal care you give our cats.”
  • “It’s like having one of us here to take care of things. We really feel fortunate to have you!”
  • “Thanks again Maria and Jan. I always feel relieved when I leave Winston and know he is getting wonderful care.”
  • “I imagine your job over the last few days-with all the snow-has been a little more difficult, but believe me it sure is nice to know that you’re there to check on things.”